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We're so excited to meet you!


Reach Church meets every Sunday at 9am for Sunday School and 10am for worship, and every Wednesday at 6:30pm. Our church is located @ 1000 East 6th St. in Pratt.


It is never easy to visit a new church for the first time, so we want to be as helpful as we can to make your experience a good one.  We want you to feel comfortable. We have a casual atmosphere. Jeans and a shirt are perfect for Sunday mornings at Reach Church (and usually what you’ll find our Pastor in!).


As a guest, you’ll be asked to fill out a Connection Card during the service, which can be filled out and placed in the offering or dropped off at Sozo Cafe immediately following our service. 


"We are not meant to consume the worship of Jesus...we are meant to contribute to it."  We have live worship and encourage everyone to worship in their own unique way – for many, that means singing, clapping and raising their hands, and for others it means quietly reflecting on the words.  At Reach Church, you’re welcome to do what comes from the heart in praise to God.


In every service you will hear a message that is based on Scripture and is designed to be helpful in strengthening your commitment to live according to the plans God has for your life. We hope and pray these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life.


Each week there is a time to worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings. As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give. This is an act of worship for our regular attendees, allowing them to thank God for all of the great work he is doing in their lives. It also gives Reach Church the means to reach out in LOVE to all those within our community.


When your family attends Reach, you can expect your kids to enter into an environment that is full of life, fun and most importantly Jesus. We desire to give your family the best experience possible on a Sunday morning. We take our responsibility to care for your family seriously, and want your children to enjoy learning about the love of Jesus! 

We believe there is one God.

(Deuteronomy 6:4, Ephesians 4:5) He is sometimes called Jehovah or Yahweh (the Hebrew word for God). He is revealed in three persons:  God (the Father), Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit. The three are commonly referred to as the Trinity. (Matthew 28:19)

We believe salvation is available to anyone who believes in Jesus.

Jesus is God’s Son. He has always existed. Because of sin, mankind was doomed to die (Romans 6:23). Jesus came to earth as a baby, born to a virgin girl named Mary. He lived a life without sin, and willingly died for us.(John 3:16) Three days later He rose from the dead, He ascended to Heaven, and He is alive today. We can know Him personally by believing in Him and asking Him to forgive our sins.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God and the ultimate source of truth.

The Bible was written over a period of about 1500 years, in three languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic), by 40 different writers, yet it contains an incredibly accurate historical record and an impeccably consistent presentation of Spiritual truth. This is only possible because the words of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The greatest evidence of the authority of the Bible is not in historical facts or its consistency. It is found in the obvious result of applying the truths of the Bible to our every day lives. (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:21)

We believe God still works in our lives in incredible ways.

The Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers today. In fact, many of the miracles of the Bible still happen and are documented every day. The healing of diseases, the restoration of broken lives, even prophecies and supernatural occurrences, all these things still happen. The reason these things still take place is because the Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers. (James 5:14-16; John 14:12) 

The Assemblies of God

Reach Church is a part of a global fellowship of churches known as the Assemblies of God. The above description of our beliefs is a very basic, introductory view of our doctrine. For more information about the beliefs and doctrines of the Assemblies of God, visit the AG website.


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